A.I. Burnasyan Scientific journal FMBC

Clinical Bulletin

ISSN 2782-6430 (print)

State Research Center −Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical
Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The journal is published in Russian.
Format – A4.
The periodicity of the journal is 4 times a year.

Issue №1 2024 год

A.I. Burnasyan  FMBC clinical bulletin. 2022 № 1

Clinical Significance of Cardiovascular Pathology in Burn Injury
Prascurnichiy E.A., Orlova O.S.
A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia
Contact person: Evgeniy Prascurnichiy, praskurnichey@mail.ru

Thermal damage is a serious disturbing factor for the whole body, which leads to changing of integrity for all apparatus.
High level combustions induce system reaction of the whole body, cause vascular system disorders, which generally define outcome of the burn disease.
Besides hemodynamic abnormalities, progression of myocardium apostasies, lemic encarditis and myopericarditis also provoke vascular system disorder. There is an evidence of the early direct myocardium cells damage in case of burning injury. Specific difficulties appear during managing of comorbid patients and the patients with high risk of vascular system complications.
Desirable approach in such cases is organizing of multidisciplinary team with the presence of cardiologist and other specialists of general practice, as well as correction of medical rehabilitation programs focused on stratification of cardiovasculare risk.

Keywords: combustion, cardiovasculare risk, co-morbidity, multidisciplinary approach, cardiac decompensation
For citation: Praskurnichiy EA, Orlova OS.  Clinical Significance of Cardiovascular Pathology in Burn Injury. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center Clinical Bulletin. 2022.1:17-21. (In Russian) DOI: 10.33266/2782-6430-2022-1-17-21

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Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Financing. The study had no sponsorship.
Contribution. Article was prepared with equal participation of the authors.
Article received: 20.01.2022.  Accepted for publication: 01.02.2022

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