A.I. Burnasyan Scientific journal FMBC

Clinical Bulletin

ISSN 2782-6430 (print)

State Research Center −Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical
Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The journal is published in Russian.
Format – A4.
The periodicity of the journal is 4 times a year.

Issue №1 2024 год

A.I. Burnasyan  FMBC clinical bulletin. 2022 № 2

Degree of Suppression of Fungal Flora of the Mouth When Using
Oil-Ether Complex from Fir Needle

A.S. Romanov1, V.N. Tsarev2, V.N. Olesova1, I.S. Makhneva1

1Medical and Biological University of the State Medical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan, Moscow, Russia
2Moscow State Medical University named after A.I. Evdokimov, Ministry of Health of Russia, 127994, Moscow, Russia
Contact person: Romanov Aleksey Sergeevich: docromanoff@yandex.ru

The main cause of peri-implantitis is the activity of periodontal pathogens with insufficient oral hygiene, which causes disintegration of intraosseous dental implants against the background of chronic inflammation in peri-implant tissues. The correct tactics of the post-prosthetic stage in patients with dental implants is medical examination with regular professional oral hygiene, which is complicated by low patient compliance. In this regard, there are high requirements for the level of individual oral hygiene and for the effectiveness of local hygiene products, among which dental rinses occupy an important place. As rinses, it is possible to use pine-containing substances, in particular, a complex of oil-essential fir of Siberian production of the company “Solagift” (Tomsk). The purpose of the study: microbiological study of the sensitivity of periodontopathogens and C. albicans fungi to the oil-essential complex of Siberian fir of different concentrations. Material and methods: a number of periodontopathogens and C. albicans were cultured in the presence of a complex of oil-essential Siberian fir in the following proportions 1:5, 1:10, 1:15. Incubation lasting up to three days was carried out in the Reverse Spinner RTS-1 bioreactor (BioSan, Latvia) with automatic analysis of the optical density of the culture (OD) at a wavelength of λ = 850 nm. The optical density was measured in McFarland units (Mcf). The assessment of culture growth control was based on the analysis of the growth phases of periodontopathogens: adaptive (lag phase), exponential (log phase), stationary, dying. The following clinical isolates of microorganisms were used: Streptococcus constellatus; Staphylococcus aureus; Fusobacterium nucleatum; Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, as well as Candida albicans. Results of the study: Joint cultivation of periodontopathogens with the oil-ether complex of Siberian fir reduces the optical density of cultures of clinical isolates when breeding coniferous substance 1:15 – 1:5 by 13.7% – 27.1% (A. actinomycetemcomitans), 18.3% – 62.0% (F. nucleatum), 30.0% – 56.4% (S. aureus), 19.2% – 74.1% (S. constellatus). The studied coniferous complex suppresses the culture of C. albicans at a concentration of 1:5, reducing the optical density of the culture of fungi in the microbiological experiment by 29.8%

Keywords: periodontopathogens, fungal flora, fir oil-ether complex, cultivation, optical density, sensitivity, bacteriostatic effect

For citation: Romanov AS, Tsarev VN, Olesova VN, Makhneva IS. Degree of Suppression of Fungal Flora of the Mouth When Using Oil-Ether Complex from Fir Needle. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center Clinical Bulletin. 2022.2:60-63. (In Russian) DOI: 10.33266/2782-6430-2022-2-60-63


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Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The study had no sponsorship. 
Article was prepared with equal participation of the authors.
Article received: 20.01.2022. Accepted for publication: 01.02.2022

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