A.I. Burnasyan Scientific journal FMBC

Clinical Bulletin

ISSN 2782-6430 (print)

State Research Center −Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical
Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The journal is published in Russian.
Format – A4.
The periodicity of the journal is 4 times a year.

Issue №1 2024 год

A.I. Burnasyan  FMBC clinical bulletin. 2022 № 3

J.S. Kitaeva1, E.A. Praskurnichy2, M.I. Pereginets1 


1Federal Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education “Ural State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Russia

2A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia
Contact person: Kitaeva Yulia Sergeevna: JKhema@yandex.ru

In recent years, the incidence of hemoblastoses has not changed significantly, but the mortality rate has decreased and the life expectancy of patients has increased. The prognosis of survival with these diseases using modern methods of treatment is relatively favorable. In most patients, after the use of standard first-line polychemotherapy, a cure is possible. Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a modern and very effective method of treatment for relapsed or refractory course, the use of which is accompanied by an increase in the number of cured patients. However, an increase in the survival rate in lymphoproliferative diseases is associated with an increase in the likelihood of complications of previous cytostatic therapy, the frequency of patient disability or death. Among the many long-term complications of polychemotherapy and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, pathology of the musculoskeletal system is revealed, which develops as a result of metabolic bone lesions – osteoporosis and associated low-energy fractures. The mechanisms of osteoporosis development in patients with lymphoproliferative diseases are not well understood, however, there are a number of literature sources in which a decrease in bone mineral density is presented as a consequence of a violation of the formation and destruction of bone tissue, increased bone resorption. In turn, the reasons for the decrease in bone mineral density are the use of cytostatic drugs, glucocorticosteroids, nutritional deficiency, physical inactivity. In this context, the problems of diagnosing and preventing osteoporosis seem to be very relevant for modern oncohematology. The purpose of this literature review is to identify the main patterns of bone tissue processes in patients with lymphoproliferative diseases.

Keywords: lymphoproliferative disease, polychemotherapy, glucocorticosteroids, bone mineral density, osteoporosis

For citation: Kitaeva JS, Praskurnichy EA, Pereginets MI. Reduction of Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Lymphoproliferative Diseases f Bioimpedance Analysis in Clinical Practice: Literature Review. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center Clinical Bulletin.  2022.3:53-60. (In Russian) DOI: 10.33266/2782-6430-2022-3-53-60



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Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Financing. The study had no sponsorship.
Contribution. Article was prepared with equal participation of the authors.
Article received: 01.08.2022. Accepted for publication: 28.08.2022.

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